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IMPORTANT ELECTION INFORMATION FOR THE ABSENTEE OWNER Have you heard about your lawsuit? You might not want to miss this call: Click on photo of phone...

Participate in the removal of incumbent board directors at our Annual Meeting of the McLean Hills Scamdominium Unit Owners Association with your proxy form.
Watch for your proxy form, beginning late September, from your mailman.
Appoint a proxy holder to name on your form who can vote in your place.
Instruct your proxy holder to NOT vote for Daniel Gilliland, Timothy Barrett, Michael Rettinger, and Tyler Warman.
Check back here, also beginning late September, for the original digital voice record of your board president, Daniel Gilliland, screaming at the “Financial Oversight Committee” co-chair and fellow co-owners during a January meeting before summoning the police to arrest them.
Listen to the pig.
Stop turning your proxy over to this dirty, greedy board.
Need somebody to name as proxy holder on your proxy form?
Pick up the phone for help.
Vote and vote wisely.





  1. Paolo16:33

    Does Management have a list of accepted colors, including brand and color code?

    If yes, can this list be available to homeowners on line or by mail?

  2. Paolo, the answer to your question is “No”: no such list exists. I believe such a list will never exist here. There’s some history you might want to know about. Several years ago the board bagged the idea of changing the color scheme for our buildings but not after wasting some of our association dollars and some of my time (and personal funds). The board didn’t like the gray and red that went up at one address on Enola Street after they paid a designer-type consultant for that horrible color recommendation. So it was returned to the original brown and biege. Then Carl and I each contributed $10 for a bucket of paint (Duron 8315D “Ravenwood” for outside with 8311W “Ambient Sound” for inside, since you seem interested in brand and color code) that went up as a “test” on a wood fence/rail and a front entrance panel (at 7821) because I provided the labor, and I was happy to do so. The board didn’t like it either. This test sample was also promptly returned to the original brown and biege. (I have pictures of the sample, however.) Jose Cordova, our painter at the time, told me about a community in Georgetown that did up its townhomes in a variety of (pre-set) colors, limited to about 6 I think. Jose said the effect was spectacular. So maybe we should have a list of accepted colors, as you suggest. I’d love to see Jose back and would care little about color at this point. Those of you newer to McLean Hills might not know that for years this place looked great because Jose was an excellent painter and each summer he would paint 1/3 of the property (in and out) so that the entire complex was freshened up every 3 years. You never saw missing wood or dangling wood or bad wood (or rust) because he replaced, primed and painted meticulously. The board made a huge mistake when they abandoned that paint cycle and let Mr. Cordova go.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Paolo19:02

    VW, thanks for this history lesson. I propose that a color scheme be prepared and distributed to all owners and residents. I propose also that a cost estimate of having a handymen on site once a week to take care of little thing like painting, fixing whatever is easy to fix be on site once a week. Peeling paint, pending moldings, broken gutters, as seen in other condominiums, is not good for maintaining the value of our property.

    I propose also that this handyman be available to individual residents at their expense for their own needs. The resident could pay a fee, say $10.00 for each service call to the condominium to help with the expense. There should be an economical advantage since there would not be a "travel expense" to be paid.

  5. Paolo, the handyman concept, like the painting project, went down the toilet also. Here, too, there is some history that you don't have. It's rather long. I can brief you at the next meeting. Meanwhile, may I suggest to our blogmaster the new topic of "Handyman?"


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