. . .



IMPORTANT ELECTION INFORMATION FOR THE ABSENTEE OWNER Have you heard about your lawsuit? You might not want to miss this call: Click on photo of phone...

Participate in the removal of incumbent board directors at our Annual Meeting of the McLean Hills Scamdominium Unit Owners Association with your proxy form.
Watch for your proxy form, beginning late September, from your mailman.
Appoint a proxy holder to name on your form who can vote in your place.
Instruct your proxy holder to NOT vote for Daniel Gilliland, Timothy Barrett, Michael Rettinger, and Tyler Warman.
Check back here, also beginning late September, for the original digital voice record of your board president, Daniel Gilliland, screaming at the “Financial Oversight Committee” co-chair and fellow co-owners during a January meeting before summoning the police to arrest them.
Listen to the pig.
Stop turning your proxy over to this dirty, greedy board.
Need somebody to name as proxy holder on your proxy form?
Pick up the phone for help.
Vote and vote wisely.




Dear fellow owners… This isn’t complicated!

You are surrounded by neglect, and you keep mailing him your monthly dues. What in the world is the matter with all of you? Waiting for ALL the doors to fall off or something? (Check out 7841.)

Who’s “him?”

Him is Mazzei, that’s Don Mazzei of Cardinal Management “Group” Corporation. (“Cardinal” is the “group” you pay to fix doors that hang funny.)

The urgency is for us to find a person or an entity separate and distinct from the Don Mazzei Cardinal Management “Group” Corporation that we can trust will handle and control our money competently and honestly. The person or entity receiving our monthly dues should have nothing to do whatsoever with the day-to-day maintenance of our property or its overall management. Anybody who doesn’t see a problem with this quirky setup is outright dumb.

And the person or entity in charge of the day-to-day maintenance of our property or its overall management should have nothing to do with Cardinal Management “Group,” Inc.

Just take a good look at the bad condition of our property and imagine it after ANOTHER 16 years with Don Mazzei’s crappy “group.” And to think we could have finished with him and his CM “Group” over 4 years ago! In fact, we are finished with him and CMG presently -- in a formal sense -- because the contract was not renewed at that time.


He is using a bullshit management/maintenance “group” as his front for the purpose of pilfering from you. This “group” is nothing but a racket. It’s leader nothing but your basic liar, cheat, and thief.

Then you’ll want to give him a raise in October. (When have your monthly dues not gone up?)

What will it take for all of you owners to finally kick him off your property? Or call the police when you see a CMG rep trespassing here.

Does it occur to any of you that when association finances are properly cared for -- when a well-designed maintenance/management program and budget (containing provisions for upgrades and improvements in addition to routine repairs and unavoidable replacements) are in place -- the need for a "special assessment" EVER is usually moot.

This recent, SURPRISE demand for a special assessment FOR ROUTINE REPAIRS & ROUTINE REPLACEMENTS is just more evidence that Mazzei is stealing my money and the money of my neighbors. THE SUDDEN DEMAND FOR A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT SHOULDN’T HAVE SURPRISED ANYONE. Clearly your money is ROUTINELY going into Don Mazzei’s pocket, not your co-op. LOOK AROUND EVERYBODY, IS YOUR MONEY GOING BACK INTO YOUR PROPERTY? NOPE!


All board members, beginning with the president, Dan Gilliland, need to be removed at the annual meeting in October 2012 for ignoring the Don Mazzei Cardinal Management “Group” Corporation bail out offer that is now over 4 years old, FOR NOT FIRING THE SOB AND HIS BS ‘GROUP’ IN 2008, FOR NOT SAFE-GUARDING ASSOCIATION MONEY WHEN THEY HAD A CHANCE, FOR SUPPORTING NOT US BUT THIS LIAR, CHEATER, AND THIEF: DON J. MAZZEI.

Yes indeed, Mazzei lies, cheats, and steals.

Yes indeed, CMG is crap.

I am refusing a 17th year of exploitation at the hands of CMG and Mazzei.

I am one owner who will be withholding monthly dues after July 31st.

I am cutting Don Mazzei off!

Currently, I am seeking an owner who will agree to serve as a proper Treasurer and receiver/tracker of my/your/our monthly dues (familiarity with QuickBook and that kind of thing is required). Call me please at 703-748-0072.

I can assure you that our “Group” is bigger than his “Group.”

Mazzei is hardly a "Group."

(Posted July 5, 2012)


  1. Veronique16:22

    I am one owner who will be withholding monthly dues after July 31st.

    I am cutting Don Mazzei off, after all, he wants out.

  2. Anonymous12:38

    I never heard of this guy!...what is going on. I am concerned about the lack of urgency and professionalism of the board. There is little transparency on the intentions of the board. They do not value a community spirit. Reason I say this is the constant complaints by Owner's that board members do not return phone calls. Neither does James, our property manager. Does he get a salary?...shame on him if he does! Maybe he and the board only return calls from their kindred spirits who live at McLean Hills. Maybe if they read the blogs, they would learn something about what Owner's really beleive and not just from those who support all their moves. They possess a very slanted view of their position at McLean Hills.

  3. Anonymous17:25

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Hey! Look what I found...


    The segregation of duties is one of the most effective internal controls in combating fraud and embezzlement. An Association’s system of checks and balances should include the segregation of the duties in each of the Association’s accounting processes, including cash receipts, accounts receivable, cash disbursements, payroll, inventory, fixed assets, investments, loans, and the financial statement closing process.

    Ideally, no individual person should handle more than one of the following duties in a single process: custody of assets, record keeping, authorization, and reconciliation. The Association should separate these functions amongst employee/management personnel.

    Often, smaller self-managed associations do not have enough employees/management personnel to segregate all duties. In this case, compensating controls should be put into place. An independent management-level person, who does not have custody, record keeping, authorization, or reconciliation responsibilities, should regularly review reports, analyze the reports, and investigate any discrepancies found between reported activity and expectations.

    If the Association uses a community management company, the Board is responsible for understanding and ensuring that the management company’s internal controls are adequate and are being followed by the management company.

    ...The above was taken from Page 7 in this 2012 Association Treasurer's Accounting Handbook & Procedures Manual at:


  5. Anonymous22:58

    Deleting all comments that don't agree with you? Reading your post, it's clear that you are clueless.

    1. The deleted comment said "test"; the word "test" appeared in the deleted comment. One word: Test.

      I was testing the blogger publish function -- it had been acting up that day.

      For everyone's information: I NEVER DELETE COMMENTS.

      The blogette is unmoderated and uncensored.

  6. Anonymous21:00

    Due to multiple requests, the board has established a secure forum on Facebook. Please friend McLean Hills for access to all posts. The Blogette has been invited to move all content to the Facebook page.

  7. Anonymous14:27

    why did you post a letter from 2008, how is it relevant? It's clear that we are under contract with Cardinal Management. You are reaching here, looking for any little thing to fly into a rage about.

    1. Anonymous16:02

      Please redirect all comments to: https://www.facebook.com/groups/328944373865888/

  8. Anonymous15:58

    McLean Hills FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/328944373865888/


Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.